BBAW Daily Topic: Community Part II

Today’s BBAW Daily Topic is on Community. How do you find a community and keep in touch? How do you find a community? I suggest using an internet search on your reading interests. Add a genre into your search term. For example, “book review fantasy” or “fantasy book reviewers” will get you started on finding… Continue reading BBAW Daily Topic: Community Part II

BBAW Daily Topic: Interviews

Today is the Interview Swap Day where book bloggers interview each other. Below are past interviews I’ve done from Book Blogger Appreciation Week. 2010 interview with Suey of It’s All About Books. Suey’s 2010 interview with me. 2009 interview with Tess Hilmo. Tess’s 2009 interview with me. 2008 interview with Jen Forbus of Jen’s Book Thoughts. Jen’s… Continue reading BBAW Daily Topic: Interviews

BBAW Daily Topic: Community Part I

In case you didn’t notice, today is the beginning of Book Blogger Appreciation Week. Giveaways, posts on book blogging topics and interviews abound. This year I’m not participating in any interviews but I am going to post on the daily topics. This year the topics were posted ahead of time to give everyone a chance… Continue reading BBAW Daily Topic: Community Part I

BBAW Day 4: Forgotten Treasures

    Today’s Topic:  Sure we’ve all read about Freedom and Mockingjay but we likely have a book we wish would get more attention by book bloggers, whether it’s a forgotten classic or under marketed contemporary fiction.  This is your chance to tell the community why they should consider reading this book!  I had to… Continue reading BBAW Day 4: Forgotten Treasures

Interview with Suey of It’s All About Books

  It’s that time of year again… Book Blogger Appreciation Week!  Today is interview day and I’ve been paired up with Suey of It’s All About Books.  I hope you enjoy getting to know Suey like I did. Amber: How did you decide to name your blog “It’s All About Books… and life’s other adventures too!”?… Continue reading Interview with Suey of It’s All About Books

Still Here

I’ve been mostly posting reviews this summer but I’m still here!  In fact, just last week I finished up my judging for Book Blogger Appreciation Week.  Have you registered for BBAW this year?

BBAW: Small Publisher Giveaway Winners

My site was offline for a day or two but I decided to not extend the giveaway.  Instead, I’ll have another giveaway when I return from vacation.   The winner of Norah Labiner’s book, German for Travelers, is SFP at Pages Turned.  Congratulations, SFP! The winner of Dave Egger’s book, Zeitoun, is Karen at Bookin’… Continue reading BBAW: Small Publisher Giveaway Winners

All content Copyright held by Amber Stults 2008-2023 unless noted. Run on German Shepherd Power.