ROW80 Sunday Check-in for 9/18/11

Before I get to the goals I wanted to talk about procrastination. I’m really into the habit of not writing more than writing. The other week I put some thought into my procrastination habit. Depending on the circumstances, I’m a rebellious or perfectionist procrastinator.

It wasn’t until recently I picked up on my rebelliousness. For example, I should weed the backyard so we have more grass than weeds but I’m an adult with my own house – I’ll get to it when I get to it.

The perfectionism thing is something I’ve been slowly letting go of the past few years. I started with giving myself permission to write lousy first drafts. Sound familiar to anyone?

ROW80 Logo

My goal for Round 3 of A Round of Words in 80 Days is to write another 10,000 words on my unfinished fantasy manuscript. There are 4 days left in the challenge. That averages to 1622 words a day in order to make my goal.

Goal: 10,000 Words
Words Written: 3510 (nothing new since Tuesday)
Progress: Extremely Behind But Can Still Catch Up

But I’ve decided to revise the goal. Another way of letting go of perfection, right? I know I can write those words all in a day or two if I do nothing else. And the point of A Round of Words in 80 Days is to have a life while you reach your writing goals.

So here is my revised goal:

Goal: 5,000 Words
Words Written: 3510
Progress: Behind But Can Still Catch Up


  1. Best of luck with your new goal. One of the best things, outside of the wonderful support, about ROW 80 is the ability to reassess our goals. I, too, am a perfectionist so this has been a hard thing to learn.

    Hope to see you in Round 4!

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