Title: Swashbuckling Cats Editor: Rhonda Parrish Publisher: Tyche Books Source: NetGalley from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. If you think cats and water don’t mix, think again. Plunge into worlds of piratical cats: some selfish, some mischievous, all fond of hitting the catnip stash. From ships on the deep blue sea, to… Continue reading Swashbuckling Cats edited by Rhonda Parrish
Tag: Leslie Van Zwol
A Flock of Shiny Stories!
Do you know what happened today? My friend’s latest anthology, CORVIDAE, was released. Associated with life and death, disease and luck, corvids have long captured mankind’s attention, showing up in mythology as the companions or manifestations of deities, and starring in stories from Aesop to Poe and beyond. In Corvidae birds are born of… Continue reading A Flock of Shiny Stories!