Book Blogger Appreciation Week: Official Giveaway Post

  If you follow along for the festivities of BBAW at My Friend Amy, you will find many chances to win LOTS of goodies! Like what? Well have a look below. All of these things will be given away between September 15-19. There will be a huge variety of ways to win them and giveaways… Continue reading Book Blogger Appreciation Week: Official Giveaway Post

August Giveaways!

August is nearly over and I haven’t posted any book giveaways for you.  Shame on me! Reading With Monie is giving away an advance reader copy of American Widow.  The graphic novel will be released on September 9th.  The author’s husband started a new job at the World Trade Center on September 10th, 2001.  The novel… Continue reading August Giveaways!

More July Giveaways!

I came across more book giveaways that are taking place this month that may be of interest to some of my visitors.  Until July 21st you can win copies of Frank McCourt’s books Angela’s Ashes and ‘Tis.  All you need to do is comment on the blog entry at MAW Books.  ‘Tis is still on… Continue reading More July Giveaways!

More Giveaways!

You may recall my last post about book giveaways included The Host by Stephanie Meyer.  Her publisher, Hachette Books Group USA, is doing a Summer Reads Giveaway of fourteen books.  That should keep you busy the rest of the summer!  You can sign up for entries on Trish’s blog.  The contest ends on July 12th so… Continue reading More Giveaways!

Fund Drive, Giveaways and a Raffle for Readers

Writers (and readers) are very giving people.  I regularly donate to an organization that helps make it possible for homeless Corgis with medical costs to get the needed medical attention before finding a new home.  CorgiAid just had their 2008 auction and the results are still being totaled.  Lisa Scottoline is owned by a Corgi (it’s unusual for… Continue reading Fund Drive, Giveaways and a Raffle for Readers

All content Copyright held by Amber Stults 2008-2023 unless noted. Run on German Shepherd Power.