Yesterday was the official release date for Shades of Green by Rhonda Parrish. She was kind enough to agree to be interviewed by email about it. You can learn more about Rhonda and her work on her web site at Amber: Shades of Green takes place in Aphanasia in 1690. This is a world… Continue reading Interview with Rhonda Parrish
Tag: Interview
Interview with J.R. Tomlin
It’s my pleasure to share an interview with J.R. Tomlin conducted via email earlier this month. Author interviews are always interesting because you never know what they have to say about their work or their work style. Here’s my review in case you want to know more about A Warrior’s Duty before reading the interview. … Continue reading Interview with J.R. Tomlin
Meet Tess Hilmo during Book Blogger Appreciation Week
You haven’t met Tess Hilmo yet? Well, let me fix that for you. She’s a writer! Tess is currently revising her Middle Grade novel, With A Name Like Love, so her agent can begin submitting it. Her blog is all about her journey to publication. The agent is a new addition to her adventure.  After you read the… Continue reading Meet Tess Hilmo during Book Blogger Appreciation Week
Interview with Elle Newmark
Last month I reviewed Elle Newmark’s book, The Book of Unholy Mischief. She was kind enough to answer some interview questions via email. Thank you goes to Tracee Gleichner from Pump Up Your Book Promotion for arranging the interview. Amber: Your story is inspiring partly because it’s unique. You took a gamble on yourself and… Continue reading Interview with Elle Newmark
Meet Sylvia Weber – Author of The Wolves Keeper Legend
As part of the Pump Up Your Book Promotions tour for The Wolves Keeper Legend, Sylvia Weber was kind enough to take time from her schedule to answer a few interview questions via email. You’ll find her personal blog, Rock the Cage, on blogspot. I hope you enjoy getting to know her as much as I… Continue reading Meet Sylvia Weber – Author of The Wolves Keeper Legend
Upcoming Posts and Visits
I have several book reviews I need to finish writing before the end of the month. This week though, you’ll see a guest post by Steve Luxenberg, author of Annie’s Ghosts: A Journey Into A Family Secret. On Friday my review of his book will be available. He’s doing an Author Chat on LibraryThing starting today until… Continue reading Upcoming Posts and Visits
Meet Rhonda Parrish!
I’ve known Rhonda Parrish for several years and am always amazed by her latest accomplishments.   In addition to inspiring other writers through an online writing community, she edits Niteblade and somehow manages to find the time to write original material.  Her story, “Sister Margaret“, was recently published by Eternal Press. In celebration of the occasion, Rhonda allowed me to… Continue reading Meet Rhonda Parrish!
Interview with Connie Arnold
Connie Arnold is the author of two poetry collections – Beautiful Moments of Joy and Peace and Abiding Hope and Love. She lives in North Carolina with her husband Tom, and they have two children and three small grandsons. Connie lives with the daily challenges of lupus, and the pain and weakness it causes. I… Continue reading Interview with Connie Arnold
Meet Karina Fabian!
Last week you were introduced to today’s guest, Karina Fabian. I was fortunate enough to conduct an interview with her via email about her writing interests and the characters in Magic, Mensa and Mayhem. Amber: I feel like I’ve known Vern forever because I’ve heard about him for quite some time. I’m surprised Magic, Mensa… Continue reading Meet Karina Fabian!
Interview With Carrie Vaughn
Today is Carrie Vaughn Day while she is doing a virtual tour for Kitty and the Dead Man’s Hand and Kitty Raises Hell. The series has been great fun for me to read and review. I’m so pleased that I was able to send some questions to Carrie and be able to share her answers… Continue reading Interview With Carrie Vaughn