On one of my mailing lists, Sharon Pickrel sent this out:
Once again I am scheduling blogs for the Savvy Authors Learning Center page. If you’re a published author willing to write an original blog on a subject related to writing – craft, promotion, publishing, etc. – I’m scheduling for January 3rd and forward (dates are first come first serve).
We ask for a blog of between 750 and 1500 words – negotiable. Our blogs include, as requested, book blurb and cover. The Learning Center Page gets thousands of unique hits per day, the blogs are promoted in our newsletter, which is sent to over 4500 people weekly and will soon also be included in our weekly events mailing.
And, while I’m at it, I’m also looking for workshop proposals for April 2012 and forward.
Please feel free to forward and/or repost this announcement.
If you have any questions or are interested in scheduling a date to blog, or submitting a proposal for a workshop please write to me directly at sharon @ savvyauthors.com