ROW Sunday Check-in 8/28/11

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Happy Sunday

My goal for Round 3 of A Round of Words in 80 Days is to write another 10,000 words on my unfinished fantasy manuscript. That averaged to 125 words a day and now I have to write more since I’m behind. No new words this week.

Goal: 10,000 Words
Words Written: 2039
Progress: Behind But Can Still Catch Up

I kept busy this week working on Savvy Authors Summer Symposium miniworkshops. They pack a lot of assignments into a four day window. It’s all good and I did limit myself so I wouldn’t be overstretched. Oh, and in case you’re wondering… I have some bachelorette time coming up in about 2 weeks. Words will flow!

How are you doing on your ROW80 or writing goal?

1 comment

  1. I do like savey authors workshops – it all counts to writing, doesn’t have to be WIP to be writing experience, which helps improve skills resulting in WIP growing better and better – onward and upward – all the best for this week

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