When the Men Are Gone by Siobhan Fallon

Title: When the Men Are Gone
Author: Siobhan Fallon
Publisher: Amy Einhorn Books/Putnam
Source: LibraryThing Early Reviewers

The focus of the stories in You Know When the Men Are Gone varies from an observer of military life to directly involved which keeps it interesting without rehashing the same story type.  Not all of the stories take place on Fort Hood though it is home base for the military families highlighted in the stories.  

I believe non-military readers can identify with the characters in the stories.  We’ve all felt at one time or another what it’s like to be shunned because of rumors, experienced the loss of a loved one,been overwhelmed by all the tasks we need to get done before the end of the day and wondered if our loved one is cheating on us.  Fallon captures those emotions and the ways they can make people do irrational things.

About Siobhan Fallon
This is Siobhan Fallon’s first book. Siobhan Fallon lived at Fort Hood while her husband, an Army major, was deployed to Iraq for two tours of duty. She earned her MFA at the New School in New York City. She lives with her family near the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA


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