Upcoming Attractions!

I wanted to provide you with a list of upcoming attractions over the next few months.  Today and tomorrow you may see a few book reviews go up that are related to Booking Mama’s 2010 EW Summer Books Challenge.


Book Blogger Appreciation Week – BBAW is scheduled this year from September 13th to September 17th.  This year I’m going to keep my planned activities light since I’m not sure if my plans include gall bladder surgery or not but you’ll find an interview swap for certain.

Back to School Month – For some reason I’ve read a lot of teen/young adult fantasy in one big clump.  You’ll find a bunch of reviews and a two part community interview with Artist Arthur, the author of Manifest.


Lucy A. Snyder Book Giveaway – Lucy has written an urban fantasy series set in Columbus, Ohio.  The first book, Spellbent, is one of my favorite fantasy book reads this year.  The sequel, Shotgun Sorceress, will be released into the wild in late October.  I have a signed copy of Lucy’s fiction/poetry/humor collection titled Sparks and Shadows to giveaway.  During October you might find a review or two of some of her writing.

World Fantasy Convention 2010 – Why yes, I am attending the World Fantasy Convention this year.  It’s being held in Columbus.  I’ve no idea what to expect so we’ll find out together.


Gotcha Month – Most of the book reviews for November will be about books featuring dogs.  Why November?  We don’t know the Resident Corgi’s birthday so we celebrate his Gotcha Day instead.  Not all of the reviews are written yet but I promise you’ll find a variety of dog stories.

1 comment

  1. Hey Amber!We are BBAW interview partners! I’ve sent you questions but haven’t heard back. Just wondered if you got them. I will send them again in case they got lost. Anyway, I hope to hear from you soon. The interviews are supposed to be posted on Tuesday.

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All content Copyright held by Amber Stults 2008-2023 unless noted. Run on German Shepherd Power.