Mailbox Monday – February 1st

Mailbox Monday

A big thank you to Marcia at The Printed Page for hosting Mailbox Monday.  This week was a big one for me since I went to Toronto for a few days and tried to pick up some books by Canadian authors while there.

Not shown in the picture is Unearthed: An Anthology of Suspensein e-book format from Edmond Cheng.  Novellas included in the anthology are “Last Fragment” by Shawn McPike, “Help Me” by David A. Stelzig, “Crown of the Earth” by Seth E. Lender, and “Illusion” by Edmond Cheng.

Miriam with the Hachette Book Group sent me a copy of When Will There Be Good News by Kate Atkinson.  A fitting arrival since I finished One Good Turn over the weekend. 

The other books were all obtained on my trip.  The Manual of Detectionby Jebediah Berry.  Though he’s not Canadian, I found this book on a table and found the blurb from The New Yorker irresistible.  “From the classic tropes of the detective procedural, this debut novel weaves the kind of mannered fantasy that might result if Wes Anderson were to adapt Kafka.” 

Monkey Beach by Eden Robinson.  This is the first English language novel written by a Haislat and the story takes place in Kitamaat which is in British Columbia.

February by Lisa Moore.  In 1982 the Ocean Rangersinks and no one is found alive.  Left behind is Helen O’Mara, a mother of three, who has to figure out how to put her life together without her husband.

Born With A Tooth by Joseph Boyden.  A collection of thirteen short stories about Aboriginal life Boyden is a native of Ontario.

What arrived in your mailbox this week?


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