Characters on a Journey

One reason why readers keep reading a story or book is to find out what happens to the characters.  Sometimes an event will push the main character on their journey and other times the main character comes to a realization and acts on it.

Examples of an event would be job loss, war or a death.  Examples of realization include understanding the motivations of a loved one or deciding something (alcohol or a group of friends) is not good on a daily basis. 

As a reader it’s always the journey that includes both that seem the most satisfying to me.  As a writer, if I can’t get those realizations into my stories or novels I feel like they aren’t complete.

Do you have a preference regarding the type of journey characters take?


  1. I never thought of it quite in those terms, but it’s true, characters are always on a journey of some sort, whether self-propelled or thrust onto the path without their own deliberate intent. I think that the journeys of my characters usually begin as a result of an external event, although inevitably (if I’ve successfully accomplished my task), they grow based on their experiences along the way, oftentimes beginning new more intentional journeys of their own before the story is through.
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