Magic, Mensa and Mayhem by Karina Fabian

Magic Mensa and Mayhem

This year the Mensa World Gathering is being held in Florida at BillyBeaver(TM)’s Fantasyland and several Faerie citizens have been invited.  The Gap between the Mundane and Faerie dimensions hasn’t been open long and with rumors of an upcoming war amongst the High Elves Bishop Aiden wants Vern and Sister Grace to keep an eye on things.  Or as Vern would say… he and Sister Grace are babysitting and the pay is too low. 

Karina Fabian’s Magic, Mensa and Mayhem began as a serialized story that was reformatted into a novel.  Fabian pulls all of the subplots together towards the end.  Even some of the characters that seemed minor play a larger role in this caper than they thought.

Very little escapes Fabian’s wit.  She pokes fun at theme park tourists, environmentalists,  reporters and pop culture.  Checking the Faerie guests into the hotel reads like the classic Abbott and Costello “Who’s On First?” routine.  Another highlight is the reputed showdown between Sister Grace and the Greek muse, Euterpe.  Fabian, Vern and Sister Grace are bound to have a following of fans after reading this adventure.

Learn more about the cases Vern and Sister Grace solve at Dragon Eye, P.I.


  1. Fantastic title! I love the fact that magic, mensa, and mayhem all go hand-in-hand in your story. Sounds like something I’d enjoy.

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