The Rule of Four by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason

This book was described to me as the “smart person’s version of The Da Vinci Code.”  Since I’ve only read The Rule of Four, I can’t compare the two books for you and let you know if the description is true or not.  What I can tell you is that this book kept my attention… Continue reading The Rule of Four by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason

Born Standing Up: A Comic’s Life by Steve Martin

Steve Martin is known in the publishing world for his fiction books so this was a little bit of a departure.  In Born Standing Up: A Comic’s Life he chronicles his stand-up career beginning with how he got his start in show business and ending with his decision to pack it all away.  Literally.  Steve… Continue reading Born Standing Up: A Comic’s Life by Steve Martin

Heat By Bill Buford

Two weekends ago I finally finished Heat and I’m going to stick with my initial assessment of it.  Anyone interested in behind the scenes information about restaurant kitchens should find this book to their liking.  It gives great insight into family meals and the hierarchies used to make a kitchen run well.  This is written for… Continue reading Heat By Bill Buford

How Many Books Can You Read?

How often do you finish reading a book?  Some people are naturally fast readers, some never seem to find the time and others just fall asleep as soon as the pages fall open.  Everyone seems to have a different rate depending on the hours that can be spent reading (jobs and kids seem to be… Continue reading How Many Books Can You Read?

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Bring On The Heat!

What a shame my culinary curiosity was almost non-existent in my youth.  The last few years I’ve been more interested in food and how to prepare it.  I’m really more of a baker than a cook because I really prefer to mix everything together, stick it in the oven, do something else for how ever… Continue reading Bring On The Heat!

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May 2008

No depression allowed for how May turned out! I completed my writing challenge (which I’ll write more about tomorrow) and my latest book review for Niteblade hit the internet late last night. These statistics are all for short stories or poems. Book reviews are not included. Sales in May: 0 Rejections in May: 1 and 1 assumed… Continue reading May 2008

Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award

About three years ago I met Elmore Hammes at a local NaNoWriMo kickoff party.  He’s impressed me with the number of novels he can churn out each year and with the quality of his writing.  Elmore’s been published in The First Line and submitted one of his novels for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award.  I received… Continue reading Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award

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All content Copyright held by Amber Stults 2008-2023 unless noted. Run on German Shepherd Power.