ROW Midweek Check-in 8/24/11

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Happy Thursday! I didn’t get my check-in ready in time to post it yesterday though there isn’t really anything new to report.

My goal for Round 3 of A Round of Words in 80 Days is to write another 10,000 words on my unfinished fantasy manuscript. That averaged to 125 words a day and now I have to write more since I’m behind. No new words since Saturday.

Goal: 10,000 Words
Words Written: 2039
Progress: Behind But Can Still Catch Up

What’s been keeping me busy this week? A critique class at Savvy Authors and now their Summer Symposium which is full of mini-workshops. I have limited myself to only a few. Oh, and this guy…

He’s been in his e-collar for almost a month now. On Monday the Resident Corgi had a second keratotomy. I hope this one works.

How are you doing on your ROW80 or writing goal?

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