I’m Now On LibraryThing!

After much debate between Good Reads and LibraryThing I decided to use LibraryThing to keep track of which books I own.  It should also assist with keeping track of the books I’ve read.  Several people I know have accounts on both sites; I may get one on Good Reads later but for now, LibraryThing is the… Continue reading I’m Now On LibraryThing!

Heat By Bill Buford

Two weekends ago I finally finished Heat and I’m going to stick with my initial assessment of it.  Anyone interested in behind the scenes information about restaurant kitchens should find this book to their liking.  It gives great insight into family meals and the hierarchies used to make a kitchen run well.  This is written for… Continue reading Heat By Bill Buford

All content Copyright held by Amber Stults 2008-2023 unless noted. Run on German Shepherd Power.